Sancho Claus (Porno Dan) is with his nymphomaniac wife, Mrs. Claus (Catherine Knight) and tonight is Christmas Eve. This is the one night a year Sancho Claus gives the gift of his wife to one deserving true believer. Sancho Claus looks into his globe and finds the perfect person worthy of his wife; hairdresser Dean Van Damme who opened a salon along with his best friends Charlie Dean and Matt Bird. Sancho Claus tells his hotwife about Dean and his friends and asks her if she is down for a gangbang. Horny Mrs. Claus agrees, and they leave on his sleigh. Meanwhile, at the hair salon, Dean tells Matt and Charlie about the legend of Santa’s cousin, Sancho Claus, and how he shares his wife with one special person each year. Charlie is very skeptical, while Matt is one percent convinced about the myth of Sancho Claus, but they all agree it is worth a shot. Dean screams when Mrs. Claus appears and the good times begin. So, watch part one of this three-part Christmas trilogy, where Mrs. Claus gets tag teamed and a creampie from the monster cock of Charlie. Make sure to watch part two and see what Mrs. Claus does next! サンチョ・クラウス(ポルノ・ダン)はニンフォマニアックな妻、クラウス夫人(キャサリン・ナイト)と一緒にいる。サンチョ・クラウスは年に一度、この夜にふさわしい真の信者に妻をプレゼントする。サンチョ・クラウスは地球儀を覗き込み、妻にふさわしい完璧な人物を見つける。親友のチャーリー・ディーン、マット・バードとともにサロンを開いた美容師のディーン・ヴァン・ダムだ。サンチョ・クラウスはセクシーな妻にディーンとその友人たちのことを話し、輪姦をしないかと誘う。ムラムラしたクラウス夫人は同意し、二人は彼のそりに乗って出発する。一方、ヘアサロンでは、ディーンがマットとチャーリーに、サンタのいとこであるサンチョ・クロースの伝説と、彼が毎年一人の特別な人と妻を分かち合っていることを話す。チャーリーは非常に懐疑的で、マットはサンチョ・クロースの神話に1パーセントも納得していないが、彼らは皆、試してみる価値があることに同意する。クラウス夫人が現れるとディーンは叫び、楽しい時間が始まる。この3部構成のクリスマス三部作のパート1をご覧ください。ミセス・クラウスが次に何をするのか、パート2もぜひご覧ください!
Sancho Claus (Porno Dan) is with his nymphomaniac wife, Mrs. Claus (Catherine Knight) and tonight is Christmas Eve. This is the one night a year Sancho Claus gives the gift of his wife to one deserving true believer. Sancho Claus looks into his globe and finds the perfect person worthy of his wife; hairdresser Dean Van Damme who opened a salon along with his best friends Charlie Dean and Matt Bird. Sancho Claus tells his hotwife about Dean and his friends and asks her if she is down for a gangbang. Horny Mrs. Claus agrees, and they leave on his sleigh. Meanwhile, at the hair salon, Dean tells Matt and Charlie about the legend of Santa’s cousin, Sancho Claus, and how he shares his wife with one special person each year. Charlie is very skeptical, while Matt is one percent convinced about the myth of Sancho Claus, but they all agree it is worth a shot. Dean screams when Mrs. Claus appears and the good times begin. So, watch part one of this three-part Christmas trilogy, where Mrs. Claus gets tag teamed and a creampie from the monster cock of Charlie. Make sure to watch part two and see what Mrs. Claus does next! 18禁:動画チャンネルの最新情報
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