ブルーフィルム 2 風俗小型映画 四国・高知篇
戦後高度成長期に流通した裏物ポルノ「ブルーフィルム」の貴重な映像集。青姦、レズ、乱交、現在のAVでもおなじみの行為が既に映像化されていたのに驚き。中にはいまや絶対アウトなプレイも…昔の変態は凄かった!This is a collection of rare footage of “blue films,” the backstage pornography that circulated during the postwar high-growth period. It is surprising to see that the acts that are familiar in today’s pornography, such as voyeurism, lesbianism, orgies, and urination play, were already being filmed. Some of them are absolutely out of bounds nowadays, such as pussy…the perverts in the old days were amazing! 戦後高度成長期に流通した裏物ポルノ「ブルーフィルム」の貴重な映像集。青姦、レズ、乱交、現在のAVでもおなじみの行為が既に映像化されていたのに驚き。中にはいまや絶対アウトなプレイも…昔の変態は凄かった!This is a collection of rare footage of “blue films,” the backstage pornography that circulated during the postwar high-growth period. It is surprising to see that the acts that are familiar in today’s pornography, such as voyeurism, lesbianism, orgies, and urination play, were already being filmed. Some of them are absolutely out of bounds nowadays, such as pussy…the perverts in the old days were amazing! 18禁:動画チャンネルの最新情報
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