催淫暗示 夫の部下に操られた美人妻 佐伯由美香

理不尽なことで上司に怒られ、しかもその妻の由美香にもバカにされた男。腹が立って復讐を考えた男は由美香を術で自分の物にし、操ろうと考えた。上司宅のチャイムを鳴らし、出てきた由美香に突然ライトを当てながら言った「お前は俺に逆らえない…」 A man is angry at his boss for being unreasonable, and the boss’s wife, Yumika, is also making fun of him. Angry and wanting revenge, the man decides to manipulate Yumika and making her his own. He rang the doorbell at his boss’s house, and when Yumika answered it, he suddenly shined a light on her and said, “You can’t resist me…” 理不尽なことで上司に怒られ、しかもその妻の由美香にもバカにされた男。腹が立って復讐を考えた男は由美香を術で自分の物にし、操ろうと考えた。上司宅のチャイムを鳴らし、出てきた由美香に突然ライトを当てながら言った「お前は俺に逆らえない…」 A man is angry at his boss for being unreasonable, and the boss’s wife, Yumika, is also making fun of him. Angry and wanting revenge, the man decides to manipulate Yumika and making her his own. He rang the doorbell at his boss’s house, and when Yumika answered it, he suddenly shined a light on her and said, “You can’t resist me…”  18禁:動画チャンネルの最新情報 ​Read More

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